Fairy Tale Lust is my pretty, pretty book and I hope you will buy it, love it, hug it, squeeze it and call it George (and tell everyone you know to do the same). But Fairy Tale Lust is not the only book tapping into the eroticism of princesses in castles and beasts in the woods. In fact, erotic fairy tales are hot right now and there are several authors and editors putting their own spin on this sexy new sub-genre.
So, if you loved Fairy Tale Lust and are lusting for more naughty fairy tales, you might want to check out these other pretty, pretty books:

Alison Tyler has edited the wonderfully titled Alison's Wonderland, a veritable feast of 27 erotic fairy tales. I'm delighted to say that several of the authors in this collection also have stories in Fairy Tale Lust, including: Shanna Germain, Allison Wonderland, Janine Ashbless, A.D.R. Forte, Andrea Dale and Saskia Walker.

In Sleeping Beauty's Bed is a collection of erotic fairy tales by the talented Mitzi Szereto. Bonus for academics and fairy tale geeks: each story includes an introduction detailing its historic origins.

Enchanted is another single-author collection of erotic fairy tales. Nancy Madore followed up this wildly popular collection with Enchanted Again, a collection of erotic stories based on nursery rhymes and Enchanted Dreams, a collection of supernatural erotica. I can't wait to see what she enchants us with next.

Finally, if short stories only whet your appetite for something longer, you might want to take a look at Cathy Yardley's Enslave: The Taming of the Beast, a novel length erotic retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Ms. Yardley's previous erotic fairy tale novels include Crave: The Seduction of Snow White and Ravish: The Awakening of Sleeping Beauty.
Enjoy this banquet of fairy tale lust and please add your own erotic fairy tale recommendations in the comments!
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