Thursday, August 26, 2010

Romance at Heart Interview

I'm all over the internet lately. Well, me and Fairy Tale Lust. Romance at Heart Magazine interviewed me last week about the book, writing, critique groups and what the future holds...

What do you think of critique groups in general?

A good critique group can make the difference between almost published and published. A bad critique group can make you want to claw your eyes out and give up writing entirely. I've belonged to both. I had a wonderful critique group for several years and I really do credit them with helping me get published. In fact, I dedicated Dangerous Curves to them. But we drifted apart over the years as each of us switched genres or came to different places in our careers. If I ever found the right combination of personalities and experience, I would love being part of another critique group.

You can read the rest of the interview here. And you won't be surprised that my answer to "How do you recharge your batteries?" was "Coffee, coffee, coffee!"

Thanks to Romance at Heart for shining the spotlight on my corner of the writing world.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fairy Tale Lust in Rochester, NY

Thanks to Jeremy Edwards for sending along this picture of four (!!!) copies of Fairy Tale Lust at a Rochester, New York Barnes & Noble.

Thank you for sharing, J!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Interview at Night Owl Reviews

Last week, I was interviewed about Fairy Tale Lust and my writing career by Night Owl Reviews. One of their questions was about my advice to other writers. I always hate questions like that because-- hey-- what the heck do I know? I still read the advice of other writers! But I took a stab at it:

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Ignore the inner voice that says, "You're not a real writer" and keep writing. Because that's what real writers do: they write through the self-doubt.

Don't talk about what you're currently writing. Put your enthusiasm into the story and talk about it only after you've sold it.

Remember that a rejection is one person's opinion about one specific story on one particular day. That's all. Don't give it more power than that.

Read a lot and read critically. Learn from other writers by reading what they've written, not by what writing advice they give.

Write, write, write. And when you're tired and discouraged and don't think you can write another word, write another word. It really is just that simple. And just that hard.

I re-read my "advice"-- especially that last little nugget-- and feel like a fraud. Maybe I should take my own advice, hmm?

You can read the rest of the interview here. Thanks to Night Owl Reviews for interviewing me, even if I give lame advice!